Kurzinfo GB


Förderverein Historische Hansekogge Kiel e.V.
Berth of the „HANSEKOGGE“ at the Maritime Museum Kiel

1380 An almost completely built cog-ship is swept away from a ship yard in Bremen by a severe storm-tide, capsized and deposited few miles downstream, where she rested in the mud until …
1962 The almost completely preserved hull is found, and the salvaged pieces are put together during the following years at the Deutsche Schifffahrts Museum in Bremerhaven.
1987-91 A replica completely matching the original ship is built within the frame of a Job Creation Scheme

The disaster of 1380 is to be the luck of today, as there was no detailed knowledge on those ships before.

For centuries during the Middle-ages cog-ships were the freight-carriers of the Hanse, that important North-European economic union operating in the Baltic and across the North Sea up to Norway and into the Channel.

The dimensions of the original as well as the rebuilt cog are as follows:

Length: 23,3 m
Length of keel I5,60 m
width: 7,6 m
Moulded depth 3,14 m
Mast length 25,O m
Draught loaded 2,25 m
Hold abt. 150 mÂł
cuft Sail area abt 200 mÂČ

The main characteristics of a cog-type ship are:

  • the bottom is carvel-planked
  • the rest of the hull is clinker-planked
  • Strong square-beams which protrude from the sides of the hull enhancing the structural strength of the ship
  • the planks are connected between themselves by iron-nails which are beaten back into the timber, thus providing a firm connection
  • one mast with one squaresail

In June 1987 a scientifically exact reproduction of the 1 380-cog was laid down at the „Yacht-& Bootswerft E. Rathje“ in Kiel-Friedrichsort. The ship was launched OCT 30, 1989.

The building process was managed by Uwe Baykowski, a boat-building-master, and scientifically surveyed by Dipl. Ing. W. D. Hoheisel of the „Deutsches Schifffahrts-Museum“, Bremerhaven.

The „Verein Jugend in Arbeit in Kiel e. V.“ – an organisation aiming at qualifying young unemployed – is owner and managing authority of the „Hansekogge“. This society is supported by the „Förderverein Historische Hansekogge Kiel e. V.“, an association to promote the historical hanseatic cog in Kiel, which is open to individual membership.

The „Job Creation Scheme“ was borne by the „Federal Labour Authority“ in co-operation with the „Ministry of Social Affairs“ of the State Government Schleswig-Holstein. lt aims at qualifying young people who have been out of labour over a long period, and to help them to return to regular work. This goal was achieved to a considerable degree; quite a number of the young have found a permanent job.

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